Author Archives: niulab

A Predictive Frame Transmission Scheme for Cloud Gaming in Mobile Edge Cloudlet Systems

Tianchu Zhao, Sheng Zhou, Yuxuan Sun, and Zhisheng Niu, “A Predictive Frame Transmission Scheme for Cloud Gaming in Mobile Edge Cloudlet Systems”, IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, 22(7):3774-3789, 2023

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Online V2X Scheduling for Raw-Level Cooperative Perception

LANGUAGE English SOURCE IEEE ICC’22,Seoul, South Korea, May 16-20, 2022 Published Date:2022-05 ABSTRACT Cooperative perception of connected vehicles comes to the rescue when the field of view restricts stand-alone intelligence. While raw-level cooperative perception preserves most information to guarantee the …

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Statues Update for Accurate Remote Estimation: Centralized and Decentralized Schemes

Jinzhou Sun, Yuxuan Sun, Sheng Zhou and Zhisheng Niu, Statues Update for Accurate Remote Estimation: Centralized and Decentralized Schemes, IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E105-B, no. 2, pp. 131-139, Feb. 2022

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Coverage Analyses on Directional Transmissions Ultra-Dense Networks with Imperfect Beam Alignment

Y. Xu and S. Zhou, Coverage Analyses on Directional Transmissions Ultra-Dense Networks with Imperfect Beam Alignment, China Communications, 19(5):318-328, 2022

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Coded Computation Across Shared Heterogeneous Works With Communication Delay

Y. Sun, Fan Zhang, Junlin Zhao, S. Zhou, Z. Niu and D. Gündüz, Coded Computation Across Shared Heterogeneous Works With Communication Delay, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 70: 3371-3385, 2022

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南兆君(Nan, Zhaojun)

联系方式 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328 个人简介:南兆君,黑龙江哈尔滨人,2022年6月博士毕业于重庆大学微电子与通信工程学院,现为周盛老师的博士后。 研究兴趣:车联网、移动边缘计算,感知与通信协同

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曾任校(Zeng, Renxiao)

联系方式 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328 个人简介:曾任校,江西人,2017年毕业于吉安县立中学,2022年毕业于清华大学,同年考入清华大学电子系创新创业硕士项目,现为周盛老师的硕士研究生。

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严劲涛(Yan, Jintao)

联系方式 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328   个人简介:严劲涛,浙江杭州人,2018年毕业于浙江省杭州第二中学,同年考入电子科技大学,现保送为周盛老师的直博研究生。

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范保康(Fan, Baokang)

联系方式 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328   个人简介:范保康,湖北武汉人。2018年毕业于湖北省华中师范大学第一附属中学,同年考入清华大学,现保送为周盛老师的直博研究生。

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谢博文(Xie, Bowen)

联系方式 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328   个人简介:谢博文,福建福州人。2018年毕业于福州第一中学,同年考入清华大学,现保送为牛志升老师的直博研究生。

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胥耀丹(Xu, Yaodan)

联系方式 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328 个人简介:胥耀丹,四川德阳人。2021年毕业于清华大学电子工程系。同年直博攻读信息与通信工程专业博士。

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陈思暐(Chen, Siwei)

联系方式 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328 个人简介:陈思暐,北京人,2016年毕业于北师大二附中,2020年毕业于清华大学,2021年考入清华大学电子系创新创业硕士项目,现为周盛老师的硕士研究生。

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大卫明(Minh Thao Chan)

联系方式 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328 个人简介:大卫明(Minh Thao Chan),来自巴黎的越南裔法国人。清华大学电子工程系博士在读。本科及研究生毕业于法国巴黎理工学院计算机科学与信息技术专业,后赴美国加利福尼亚大学继续研究生学习。曾在美国、中国和日本的NASA分拆和自动驾驶行业工作。

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Dolphins Dataset

DOLPHINS, Dataset for cOLlaborative Perception enabled Harmonious and INterconnected Self-driving, provides temporally aligned visual and LiDAR information collected from different perspectives, i.e. vehicles and road side units. We use the CARLA simulator to complete this work, which can provide us with realistic …

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牛志升, 周盛, 孙宇璇, 面向’双碳’战略的绿色通信与网络:挑战与对策, 通信学报, 2022(2):1-14

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Dynamic Scheduling for Over-the-Air Federated Edge Learning With Energy Constraints

Y. Sun, S. Zhou, Z. Niu and D. Gündüz, Dynamic Scheduling for Over-the-Air Federated Edge Learning With Energy Constraints, IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 2022, 40(1):227-242

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Device Scheduling and Resource Allocation for Federated Learning under Delay and Energy Constraints

Wenqi Shi, Yuxuan Sun, Sheng Zhou, Zhisheng Niu, Device Scheduling and Resource Allocation for Federated Learning under Delay and Energy Constraints, the 22nd IEEE International Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications (SPAWC2021),Lucca, Italy, Sep. 27-30, 2021

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孙宇璇(Sun, Yuxuan) - Publications

Journal Papers Submitted • Y. Sun, F. Zhang, J. Zhao, S. Zhou, Z. Niu, and D. Gunduz, "Coded Computation across Shared Heterogeneous Workers with Communication Delay," IEEE Trans. Signal Process., revised. [arXiv:2109.11246] Published/Accepted • Y. Sun, S. Zhou, Z. Niu, …

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