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"Real-time wireless networking" by Prof. Kumar

Real-time wireless networking Abstract We present an account of an approach to solve the problem of delivering required throughputs of packets that meet hard deadlines over heterogeneous unreliable channels. These recent results provide a contract for flows with throughput as well …

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"Green Cellular Networks: A Survey, Some Research Issues and Challenges" by Prof. Vijay K. Bhargava

Green Cellular Networks: A Survey, Some Research Issues and Challenges Vijay K. Bhargava University of British Columbia Vancouver, Canada President-Elect, IEEE Communications Society Abstract In this talk, we present techniques to enable green communications in future generation of wireless systems …

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“Small World Phenomena in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks”by Prof. Michael Fang

Small World Phenomena in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Yuguang “Michael” Fang, Professor Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering UniversityofFlorida  Abstract Small world phenomena have been intensively studied in social networks since the famous Milgram experiment and their studies have also …

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Prof. Martha in group meeting

Prof. Martha joined the discussion in group meeting. Apr. 12, 2011

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"Component Based Networking and Design of Wireless Network Protocols" by Dr. John S. Baras

John S. Baras, Lockheed Martin Chair in Systems Engineering B.S. in Electrical Eng. from the Nat. Techn. Univ. of Athens, Greece, 1970; M.S. and Ph.D. in Applied Math. from Harvard Univ. 1971, 1973. Since 1973 with the Electrical and Computer …

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Integrating Solar and Wind Power Generation for Electric Vehicles by Prof. Joseph Hui

Dr Joseph Hui received his BS, MS, and PhD degrees from MIT in 1981, 1981, and 1983. Since graduation, he has worked at IBM and Bellcore, as well as taught at Columbia University, Rutgers University, the Chinese University of Hong …

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The latest development of smart grid standards and pilot projects by Dr. Jinyun Zhang

Speaker's Information: Jinyun received her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Ottawa in the area of digital signal processing, where she was also a Visiting Scholar and worked on digital image processing. Prior to this she was a …

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GreenTouch®: A Five Year Quest for Sustainable Networking by Dr. Suresh Goyal from Bell Labs

Abstract: GreenTouch® is a global research consortium, formed under the initiative and leadership of Bell Labs, with the goal of inventing sustainable, ultra-energy-efficient, ICT networks. In particular it aims to demonstrate technologies in five years (at the end of 2015) …

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An Overview of the Green Radio Programme by Prof. John Thompson

【清华信息大讲堂】系列学术报告 Prof.  John Thompson University of Edinburgh An Overview of the Green Radio Programme Aug 25 (Wednesday), 10:30-11:30, Room 1-415, FIT Building Abstract: This presentation will discuss energy efficiency issues in current cellular systems operation, particularly in base-station or access …

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