An Overview of the Green Radio Programme by Prof. John Thompson

Prof.  John Thompson

University of Edinburgh

An Overview of the Green Radio Programme

Aug 25 (Wednesday), 10:30-11:30, Room 1-415, FIT Building


This presentation will discuss energy efficiency issues in current cellular systems operation, particularly in base-station or access point designs. We will also indicate the typical approaches that are being deployed to alleviate the high energy consumption to achieve green radio system design credentials with significantly reduced CO2 emissions. Following this general introduction the talk will explain the operation of the Mobile Virtual Centre of Excellence (MVCE) Green Radio project, an industry-UK government funded research programme involving four UK Universities, which started in 2009. The structure of the project will be described, which focuses on both architectural/network design issues and on reducing energy consumption in individual base stations and handsets. If time allows initial research findings will also be presented.

John Thompson received his BEng and PhD degrees from the University of Edinburgh in 1992 and 1996, respectively. From July 1995 to August 1999, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Edinburgh, funded by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Nortel Networks. Since September 1999, he has been a lecturer at the School of Engineering and Electronics at the University of Edinburgh. In October 2005, he was promoted to the position of reader. His research interests currently include signal processing algorithms for wireless systems, antenna array techniques and multihop wireless communications. He has published approximately 160 papers to date including a number of invited papers, book chapters and tutorial talks, as well as co-authoring an undergraduate textbook on digital signal processing. He is the founding editor-in-chief of the IET Signal Processing journal. He is a technical programme co-chair for IEEE Globecom 2010 to be held in Miami and also served in the same role for the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC), held in Glasgow in June 2007.

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