Tasks scheduling and resource allocation in heterogeneous cloud for delay-bounded mobile edge computing



SOURCE  IEEE ICC 2017, Paris, May 21-25, 2017

Published Date:2017-05


Mobile edge computing is a novel technique in which
mobile devices offload computation-intensive tasks with stringent
delay requirements to the edge cloud. However, the limited computational
resource in the edge cloud may result in the Quality
of Service degradation. In this paper, we address this issue by
coordinating the heterogeneous cloud which includes the edge
cloud and the remote cloud. Considering the offloading of delaybounded
tasks, we study into the scheduling of heterogeneous
cloud in order to maximize the probability that tasks can have
the delay requirements met. The problem formulation is proved
to be concave, and an optimal algorithm is proposed accordingly.
The optimal policy with heterogeneous cloud is notably different
from the policy merely using the edge cloud. With only the edge
cloud, the system serves tasks with loose delay bounds and drops
tasks with stringent delay bounds when the traffic load is heavy.
However, with the heterogeneous cloud, tasks with stringent delay
bounds are offloaded to the edge cloud and tasks with loose delay
bounds are offloaded to the remote cloud. In numerical results,
the probability that the delay bounds of tasks are satisfied can be
improved by about 40% with the assistance of the remote cloud.

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