Author Archives: niulab

Timely Status Update Based on Urgency of Information with Statistical Context

L. Wang, J. Sun, S. Zhou and Z. Niu, Timely Status Update Based on Urgency of Information with Statistical Context, 2020 32nd International Teletraffic Congress (ITC 32), 2020.

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清华大学电子工程系牛志升教授/周盛副教授课题组主要从事新一代移动通信系统的研究,近期由于国家自然科学基金委员会重点项目“面向沉浸式体验的空天地一体化车联网基础研究”以及“人工智能时代的智慧网联基础研究”的需要,招聘博士后2名。 要求如下: 1) 科研作风严谨,诚实,具有良好的合作精神; 2) 即将或已经获得博士学位,具有信息与通信工程或是人工智能、认知科学与技术等相关专业背景,具有承担国内外科研工作的理论基础和项目研究经历; 3) 年龄35岁以下; 4) 英文良好,在相关领域的国际期刊发表过学术论文。 工资待遇: 1) 按照清华大学博士后工资待遇执行,具体可面议; 2) 学校设有博士后公寓,可根据有关规定排队入住; 3) 入站博士后享受清华大学事业编制教职工子女入学、入园的规定以及附属学校、幼儿园的有关规定; 4) 对于优秀博士后申请者,学校设有博士后支持计划和水木学者计划,详情登陆清华大学博士后官网查询。 实验室主页: 有意者请与许萍老师(, 010-62773634)联系。

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Urgency of Information for Context-Aware Timely Status Updates in Remote Control Systems

X. Zheng, S. Zhou, and Z. Niu, Urgency of Information for Context-Aware Timely Status Updates in Remote Control Systems, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun. accepted.

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Dynamic Compression Ratio Selection for Edge Inference Systems with Hard Deadlines

X. Huang and S. Zhou, Dynamic Compression Ratio Selection for Edge Inference Systems with Hard Deadlines, IEEE Internet of Things J., accepted.

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Cluster-Based Cooperative Digital Over-the-Air Aggregation for Wireless Federated Edge Learning

R. Jiang and S. Zhou, Cluster-Based Cooperative Digital Over-the-Air Aggregation for Wireless Federated Edge Learning, 2020 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC), 2020.

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贾宇宽(Jia, Yukuan)

联系方式 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328 个人简介:贾宇宽,北京人。2016年毕业于北京师范大学附属实验中学,同年考入清华大学,现保送为周盛老师的直博研究生。

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张博航(Zhang, Bohang)

联系方式 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328 个人简介:张博航,加拿大人,2020年毕业于University of British Columbia (英属哥伦比亚大学)电子工程系,同年考入清华大学电子工程系攻读通信与信息系统专业硕士。

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毛瑞清(Mao, Ruiqing)

联系方式 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328 个人简介:毛瑞清,上海人。2016年毕业于上海市复旦大学附属中学,同年考入清华大学,现保送为牛志升老师的直博研究生。

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孙宇璇(Sun, Yuxuan)

Postdoctoral Researcher Niulab Department of Electronic Engineering Tsinghua University Google  Scholar Biography Yuxuan Sun received the B.S. degree in telecommunications engineering from Tianjin University, Tianjin, China in 2015, and the Ph.D degree in information and communication engineering from Tsinghua University, …

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Age-Optimal Scheduling for Heterogeneous Traffic with Timely-Throughput Constraint

J. Sun, Z. Jiang, S. Zhou, and Z. Niu, Age-Optimal Scheduling for Heterogeneous Traffic with Timely-Throughput Constraint, IEEE INFOCOM’20 AoI Workshop, July 2020.

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SENATE: A Permissionless Byzantine Consensus Protocol in Wireless Networks for Real-Time Internet-of-Things Applications

Z. Jiang, Z. Cao, B. Krishnamachari, S. Zhou, and Z. Niu, SENATE: A Permissionless Byzantine Consensus Protocol in Wireless Networks for Real-Time Internet-of-Things Applications, IEEE Internet of Things J., 2020, 7(7):6576-6588.

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SFC-Based Service Provisioning for Reconfigurable Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks

G. Wang, S. Zhou, S. Zhang, Z. Niu, and S. Shen, SFC-Based Service Provisioning for Reconfigurable Space-Air-Ground Integrated Networks, IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 2020, 38(7):1478-1489.

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Adaptive Transmission for Edge Learning via Training Loss Estimation

X. Huang and S. Zhou, Adaptive Transmission for Edge Learning via Training Loss Estimation, IEEE ICC’20, Jun. 2020.

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Energy-Aware Analog Aggregation for Federated Learning with Redundant Data

Y. Sun, S. Zhou, and D. Gunduz, Energy-Aware Analog Aggregation for Federated Learning with Redundant Data, IEEE ICC’20, Jun. 2020.

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Device Scheduling with Fast Convergence for Wireless Federated Learning

W. Shi, S. Zhou, and Z. Niu, Device Scheduling with Fast Convergence for Wireless Federated Learning, IEEE ICC’20, Jun. 2020.

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Latency Guaranteed Edge Inference via Dynamic Compression Ratio Selection

X. Huang and S. Zhou, Latency Guaranteed Edge Inference via Dynamic Compression Ratio Selection, IEEE WCNC’20, May 2020.

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Energy-optimal and delay-bounded computation offloading in mobile edge computing with heterogeneous clouds

T. Zhao, S. Zhou, L. Song, Z. Jiang, X. Guo, and Z. Niu, Energy-optimal and delay-bounded computation offloading in mobile edge computing with heterogeneous clouds, China Communications, 2020, 17(5):191-210.

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王乐涵(Wang, Lehan)

联系方式 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328 个人简介:王乐涵,湖北武汉人,2015年毕业于湖北省华中师范大学第一附属中学,同年考入电子科技大学信息与通信工程学院,现保送为牛志升老师的直博研究生。

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曾启程(Zeng, Qicheng)

联系方式 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328 个人简介:曾启程,江西吉安人。2015年毕业于江西省新干中学,同年考入清华大学电子工程系,现保送为周盛老师的直博研究生。  

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Fractional Dynamic Caching: A Collaborative Design of Storage and Backhaul

L. Wang and S. Zhou, Fractional Dynamic Caching: A Collaborative Design of Storage and Backhaul, IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., 2020, 69(4):4194-4206.

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