An Energy-Efficient Client Pre-Caching Scheme with Wireless Multicast for Video-on-Demand Services

APCC 2012
Published Date:2012-10-15
In this paper, we address the problem of providing video-on-demand (VoD) services to numerous clients energyefficiently. To reduce energy consumption, multiple requests for the same video are batched and served by one single multicast stream. However, this brings additional delay to most clients. Utilizing client pre-caching is an efficient way to eliminate the delay: while the server is batching multiple requests, the clients can play the locally cached prefix of the requested video. The multicast session containing the later part of a video can be delayed till the prefix is played out. Our evaluation demonstrates that with a carefully designed pre-caching scheme, even a small cache (with the size of a video) can reduce 50% energy consumption. Moreover, we determine the optimal client cache allocation scheme to maximize the utilization of client cache and further minimize the energy consumption.

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