By year

Xiang Duan, Xiyan Ma, Zhisheng Niu, Junli Zheng, Analysis of Wireless Transmission Efficiency and Its Application: Efficiency-Based Adaptive Coding, Proc. IEEE 14th Int. Symposium Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun. (PIMRC'2003), Sept. 2003, Beijing, China.
Xiang DUAN, Zhisheng NIU, David HUANG, David LEE, A Dynamic Power and Rate Joint Allocation Algorithm for Mobile Multimedia DS-CDMA Networks Based on Utility Functions, Proc. 13th IEEE Int. Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun. (PIMRC'2002), Sept. 2002.
Zhisheng Niu, Xiang Duan, Tao Shu, Junli Zheng, A Hierarchical Power Control Scheme in CDMA Systems, in Proc. International Conference on Infotech and Infonet, 2001 (ICII'2001), v2, pp. 943--948, Nov. 2001, Beijing, China