Guowang Miao, Zhisheng Niu, A Generalized Satisfaction Oriented Bandwidth Management, Communications, The 11th Asia-Pacific Confernce on Comunications (APCC'05), Perth, Western Australia
Kai Zhang, Zhisheng Niu, Transmit Diversity in Multiuser Data Networks under Correlated Fading Channels, The 11th Asia-Pacific Confernce on Comunications (APCC'05), Perth, Western Australia
Lei Li, Zhisheng Niu, A Resource Allocation and Admission Control Scheme for Multimedia Services in BroadbandWireless Communication Systems, The 11th Asia-Pacific Confernce on Comunications (APCC'05), Perth, Western Australia
Lan Wang, Zhisheng Niu, Computationally Efficient Resource Allocation Algorithm for Multiuser OFDM Systems , Proc. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2005), Perth, Western Australia
Xiaobo Chen, Zhisheng Niu, RTBC: A Simple CNS-like Routing Protocol for Target Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks , Proc. 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC 2005), Perth, Western Australia
Qing Chen, Zhisheng Niu, Joint Power and Rate Control for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: A Game-Theoretical Approach with Step-up Pricing, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Sep. 2005
Yanfeng Zhu, Zhisheng Niu, A Fast Channel Allocation Algorithm for Wireless Data Broadcast in Digital TV Terrestrial Broadcast System, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Sep. 2005
Guowang Miao, Zhisheng Niu, Transmission Design and QoS Oriented Resource Management Based on Integrated Internet and DVB-T Network, IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, Sep. 2005
Guowang Miao, Zhisheng Niu, Multichannel Resource Management of Integrated Communication and Broadcast Networks, the 19th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC19), Beijing, China, Aug., 2005
Kai Zhang, Zhisheng Niu, Adaptive Transmission for MIMO systems with Integrated Voice/Data Traffics, Proc. The 19th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC19), Beijing China
Lan Wang, Zhisheng Niu, Subcarrier and Power Joint Allocation on the Uplink of Multiuser
OFDM Systems , Proc. The 19th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC19), Beijing China
Lan Wang, Zhisheng Niu, Downlink Power Control Based on Utility during Soft Handover
in DS-CDMA Systems , Proc. The 19th International Teletraffic Congress (ITC19), BeiJing China
Yi Wu, Zhisheng Niu, Junli Zheng, A Network-based Solution for TCP Enhancement over Opportunistic Scheduling, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2005) , SEOUL, KOREA.
Yi Wu, Zhisheng Niu, Junli Zheng, Upstream/Downstream Unfairness Issue of TCP over Wireless LANs with Per-flow Queueing, IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2005) , SEOUL, KOREA.
Yi Wu, Zhisheng Niu, and Junli Zheng, Study of the TCP Upstream/Downstream Unfairness Issue with Per-flow Queueing over Infrastructure-mode WLANs , Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal (Wiley InterScience), to apear in the Special Issue.
Yi Wu, Zhisheng Niu, and Junli Zheng, Cross-layer Analysis of Wireless TCP/ARQ Systems over Correlated Channels, Journal of Communications and Networks, Vol. 7, No. 1
Yi Wu, Zhisheng Niu, and Junli Zheng, A Network-based Approach to Improve TCP Performance in Wireless Systems with Opportunistic Scheduling, IEICE Transaction on Communications, Vol. E88-B, No. 1
Kai Zhang, Zhisheng Niu, Adaptive receive antenna selection for space-time block coding under channel estimation errors, Proc. 14th IEEE Int. Symposium Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Commun. (PIMRC'2004) Barcelona, Vol. 1, Sep. 2004.