Author Archives: niulab
Adaptive Learning-Based Task Offloading for Vehicular Edge Computing Systems
Bidirectional mission offloading for agile space-air-ground integrated networks
Timely Status Update in Wireless Uplinks: Analytical Solutions With Asymptotic Optimality
Security Analysis of Mobile Device-to-Device Network Applications
Exploiting wireless channel state information structures beyond linear correlations: A deep learning approach
Joint Optimization of Cache Allocation and Content Placement in Urban Vehicular Networks
Tuo Liu, Sheng Zhou, Zhisheng Niu, Joint Optimization of Cache Allocation and Content Placement in Urban Vehicular Networks, IEEE GLOBECOM 2018, Abu Dhabi, Dec. 9-13,2018
Task Replication for Vehicular Edge Computing: A Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandit based Approach
Yuxuan Sun, Jinhui Song, Sheng Zhou, Xueying Guo, and Zhisheng Niu, Task Replication for Vehicular Edge Computing: A Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandit based Approach, IEEE GLOBECOM 2018, Abu Dhabi, Dec. 9-13,2018
黄秀峰(Huang, Xiufeng)
联系方式 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328 个人简介:黄秀峰,广东汕头人,2014年毕业于广东省东华高级中学,同年考入清华大学电子工程系,现保送为周盛老师的直博研究生。
孙径舟(Sun, Jingzhou)
联系方式 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328 个人简介:孙径舟,安徽安庆人。2018年毕业于清华大学电子工程系。同年直博攻读信息与通信工程专业博士。
A Two-Step Learning and Interpolation Method for Location-based Channel Database Construction
Inferring Remote Channel State Information: Cramér-Rao Lower Bound and Deep Learning Implementation
Improved Scaling Law for Status Update Timeliness in Massive IoT by Elastic Spatial Multiplexing
Zhiyuan Jiang, Sheng Zhou, and Zhisheng Niu, Improved Scaling Law for Status Update Timeliness in Massive IoT by Elastic Spatial Multiplexing, IEEE GLOBECOM 2018, Abu Dhabi, Dec. 9-13,2018
DeepNap: Data-Driven Base Station Sleeping Operations through Deep Reinforcement Learning
Can Decentralized Status Update Achieve Universally Near-Optimal Age-of-Information in Wireless Multiaccess Channels?
Time-sequence channel inference for beam alignment in vehicular networks
Mode Selection in UAV-aided Vehicular Network: an Evolutionary Game Approach
Guangchao Wang, Sheng Zhou, and Zhisheng Niu, Mode Selection in UAV-aided Vehicular Network: an Evolutionary Game Approach, IEEE WCSP’18 Hangzhou, Oct. 2018
姓名 毕业年度 毕业论文 毕业去向 宋海宁 2002.7 中国国际贸易促进委员会专利商标事务所 景 升 2004.7 基于MPLS网络的区分业务设计与仿真 MIT博士课程 郑 直 2004.7 美国Intel公司 李中阳 2004.7 胡蓝田 2004.7 P&G公司 王 浩 2005.7 基于移动IPv6技术的智能交通演示系统 UCSD美国圣地亚哥大学博士课程 吴毅弘 2006.7 针对移动汇聚节点的无线传感器网络路由协议设计与仿真 Princeton美国普林斯顿大学博士课程 郭子建 2006.7 数字广播网与移动通信网融合实验床的开发 Rice大学博士课程 陈治佳 2006.7 数字广播网与通信网融合系统中客户端及服务器软件设计 谭 博 …