By year

DOLPHINS, Dataset for cOLlaborative Perception enabled Harmonious and INterconnected Self-driving, provides temporally aligned visual and LiDAR information collected from different perspectives, i.e. vehicles and road side units. We use the CARLA simulator to complete this work, which can provide us with realistic …
时间:2020.12.25-26 地点:清华大学罗姆电子工程馆11层多功能厅 论坛背景: 近年来,无线通信与网络技术蓬勃发展,在从根本上改变了人与人之间通信方式以及日常生活模式的同时,也开始渗透到人类社会的各个角落,包括智能交通、智慧工厂、远程医疗等等。随着5G/6G、人工智能、边缘计算等新型移动通信技术的进一步发展,可以期待未来的社会将会变得更加智能、更加可靠、更加安全。但与此同时,无线通信与网络也变得越来越复杂,其消耗的时空频以及能量资源也越来越可观,直接或间接地制约了网络的进一步普及与发展。为此,需要从学科交叉的角度开拓新的资源维度,同时引入相关学科的理论与方法,降低网络运行的复杂度,提高网络服务的可靠性。 NEWTON(National Forum on Emerging Wireless Technologies and Open INnovations)论坛在此背景下应运而生,通过聚集国内外无线通信及其相关领域杰出的青年学者和业界领袖,探讨最前沿的无线通信与网络核心技术、系统和标准化,挖掘相关学科领域的最新进展,从而激发出新概念、新方法、和新视野。它是一个小型的研讨会,以panel讨论为主,主要是畅想未来,特别关注交叉学科的最新进展,展望未来无线通信的发展前景和趋势。 本次论坛由清华大学电子工程系、北京信息科学与技术国家研究中心智慧网联重点实验室联合主办,JCIN期刊协办,为期1.5天。论坛邀请到于全院士做主旨报告“蜂群民主决策与类脑计算”,并设置了三个panel:智慧网联与网联智能、绿色信息与能量信息学、智慧感知与协同。现场讨论氛围热烈,同学们受益良多。
2020年10月2日,正值祖国诞辰71周年之际,Niulab的同学们来到了北京车展,调研车联网产业发展情况。 首先我们来到了华为展台,工作人员给我们讲解了“云、路、车“三层的智能计算平台,展示了智能电动汽车的内部构造,大家在展台合影留念。 然后进入自由参观环节,大家纷纷开始向宇璇师姐推荐高端车型、而启程师兄开启了“车模”模式: 参观过后大家在唐廊餐厅共进晚餐,其乐融融,在餐桌上玩起了“你画我猜”游戏,广超师兄表示我没有看过“喜羊羊”: 最后,俗话说“十五的月亮十六圆”。大家用P30拍下了中秋节后的月亮,许愿Niulab蒸蒸日上,科研越来越好!
清华大学电子工程系牛志升教授/周盛副教授课题组主要从事新一代移动通信系统的研究,近期由于国家自然科学基金委员会重点项目“面向沉浸式体验的空天地一体化车联网基础研究”以及“人工智能时代的智慧网联基础研究”的需要,招聘博士后2名。 要求如下: 1) 科研作风严谨,诚实,具有良好的合作精神; 2) 即将或已经获得博士学位,具有信息与通信工程或是人工智能、认知科学与技术等相关专业背景,具有承担国内外科研工作的理论基础和项目研究经历; 3) 年龄35岁以下; 4) 英文良好,在相关领域的国际期刊发表过学术论文。 工资待遇: 1) 按照清华大学博士后工资待遇执行,具体可面议; 2) 学校设有博士后公寓,可根据有关规定排队入住; 3) 入站博士后享受清华大学事业编制教职工子女入学、入园的规定以及附属学校、幼儿园的有关规定; 4) 对于优秀博士后申请者,学校设有博士后支持计划和水木学者计划,详情登陆清华大学博士后官网查询。 实验室主页: 有意者请与许萍老师(, 010-62773634)联系。
Time: 2016-07-15 10:00-12:00 Venue: 1-415, FIT Building, Tsinghua Abstract: Full exploitation of the capacity of a general multi-hop multi-radio multi-channel wireless network requires joint optimization of routing at network layer, scheduling at link layer, and system configuration at physical layer, …
Time: 2016-07-19 10:00-12:00 Venue: 8-206 Rohm Building, Tsinghua Abstract: Estimating the support size of a distribution is a classical problem in statistics, dating back to the early work of Fisher, Good-Turing, and the influential work by Efron-Thisted on "how many …
I will start with a brief introduction of CSIRO and our major projects in the wireless network area. Then I will discuss one of our recent papers published in IEEE Transaction on Vehicular Technology. Fixed relay networks (FRNs) will …
海报-Krongold Cross-layer design has been a hot topic in the last few years in wireless networking research due to the fact that the traditional layering network protocol suite such as TCP/IP for wired networks are no longer efficient in wireless …
An IP-over-WDM optical network is an example of a layered network. In this network, the grapah representing the optical network is called the physical topology GP and the graph representing the IP layer is called the logical topology GL. Without …
More and more people are adapting to smartphones, which are lightweight and provide extensive communication, computation, and sensing capabilities. These features make smart phones ideal for crowdsourcing, which is a new computing paradigm for human centric computing with collective intelligence. …
This talk outlines the coming revolution of wireless communications in the 30 to 300 GHz range (the millimeter-wave spectrum), and describes recent accomplishments in circuit, antenna, and propagation research for millimeter-wave communication systems, including very recent work into millimeter-wave cellular …
Spectrum Sharing in Multihop Cognitive Relay Networks Dr. Wei Zhang Senior Lecturer School of Electrical Engineering & Telecommunications TheUniversityofNew South Wales Sydney,Australia Abstract: Cognitive radio is a novel and promising communications paradigm to address the spectrum insufficiency …
Network tomography seeks to infer internal link status parameters (such as delay) through end-to-end measurements at (external) boundary nodes. As can be expected, such approaches generically suffer from identifiability problems; i.e., inability to uniquely identify individual link status for many …