Department of Electronic Engineering
[Short Biography]
Dr. Zhou received his B.E. and Ph.D. degrees in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2005 and 2011, respectively. He is now an assistant professor in Electronic Engineering Department at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. From January to June 2010, he was a visiting student at Wireless System Lab, Electrical Engineering Department of Stanford University. He is a co-recipient of the Best Paper Award from the Asia-Pacific Conference on Communication (APCC) in 2009 and 2013, the 23th IEEE International Conference on Communication Technology (ICCT) in 2011, and the 25th Intl. Tele-traffic Cong. (ITC) in 2013. His research interests include cross-layer design for multiple antenna systems, cooperative transmission in cellular systems, and green wireless communications. Dr. Zhou served as the publicity chair of the first IEEE International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC’12), the technology program committee (TPC) member of SmartGridComm’12, WCNC’13, Globecom’13, and ICC’14. He also serves as the guest editor of the China Communications special issue on “Energy Conservation and Harvesting for Green Communications”. Top
[Education Background]
06/11 : Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University 07/05 : Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University Top
[Working Experience]
07/13 - Assistant Professor Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University 07/11 – 06/13 Postdoctoral Scholar Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University Top
[Visiting Experience]
01/10 – 06/10: Joint Research Wireless System Lab Stanford University 04/07 – 06/07: Student Exchange Program Stanford University Top
[Ongoing Projects]
- PI Coordinative Energy Management and Resource Optimization for Wireless Networks under Dynamic Energy Harvesting (Young Scholar Fund, NSFC) - Key member Fundamental Research on the Energy and Resource Optimized Hyper-Cellular Mobile Communication System (973 Program, MOST) Tsinghua-Hitachi Joint Lab on Environment-Harmonious ICT Intel Collaborative Research Institute for Mobile Networking and Computing Top
[Selected Publications] View all
[1] S. Zhou, Z. Niu, S. Tanabe, and P. Yang, "CHORUS: framework for scalable collaboration in heterogeneous networks with cognitive synergetic," IEEE Wireless Commun. Magazine, 2013, 20(4):133-139. [2] D. Cao, S. Zhou, and Z. Niu, "Improving the Energy Efficiency of Two-tier Heterogeneous Cellular Networks through Partial Spectrum Reuse," IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, 2013, 12(7):4129-4141. [3] J. Gong, S. Zhou, and Z. Niu, "Optimal Power Allocation for Energy Harvesting and Power Grid Coexisting Wireless Communication Systems," IEEE Trans. Communications, 2013, 61(7):3040-3049. [4] S. Zhou, J. Xu, and Z. Niu, "Interference-aware relay selection scheme for two-hop relay networks with multiple source-destination pairs," IEEE Trans. Vehicular Tech. 2013, 62(5): 2327-2338. [5] Z. Niu, S. Zhou, Y. Hua, Q. Zhang, and D. Cao, "Energy-aware network planning for wireless cellular system with inter-cell cooperation," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., 2012, 11(4):1412-1422. [6] S. Zhou, J. Gong, and Z. Niu, "Distributed adaptation of quantized feedback for downlink network MIMO systems," IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., 2011, 10(1):61-67. [7] S. Zhou, J. Gong, Z. Niu, and Y. Jia. "A decentralized clustering scheme for dynamic downlink base station cooperation," IEICE Trans. Commun., 2010, E93-B(12):2656-2659. [8] X. Guo, S. Zhou, P.R. Kumar, and Z. Niu, "Optimal Wake-up Mechanism for Single Base Station with Sleep Mode," ITC’25, Sep. 2013. [9] S. Zhang, S. Zhou, and Z. Niu, "Joint Optimization of Frequency Allocation and User Association with Differentiated Service in Hyper-cellular Networks," APCC’13, Aug. 2013. [10] J. Wu, Z. Yang, S. Zhou, and Z. Niu, "A Traffic-aware dynamic energy-saving scheme for cellular networks with heterogeneous traffic," IEEE ICCT’11, Sep. 2011. [11] S. Zhou, A. Goldsmith, and Z. Niu, "On optimal relay placement and sleep control to improve energy efficiency in cellular networks," IEEE ICC’11, Jun. 2011. [12] S. Zhou, J. Gong, Z. Niu, Y. Jia, and P. Yang, "A decentralized framework for dynamic downlink base station cooperation," IEEE GLOBECOM’09, Dec. 2009. [13] J. Xu, S Zhou, and Z. Niu, "Interference-aware relay selection for multiple source-destination cooperative networks," APCC’09, Oct. 2009. [14] S. Zhou, J. Gong, Z. Yang, Z. Niu, and P. Yang, "Green mobile access networks with dynamic base station energy saving," ACM Mobicom’09, Poster, Sep. 2009. [15] S. Zhou, K. Zhang, Z. Niu, and Y. Yang, "Queuing analysis on MIMO systems with adaptive modulation and coding," IEEE ICC‘08, May 2008. Top