Proc. of IEEE Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC2003), vol.3, pp.2054-2058, Sept. 2003.
Published Date:2003-09-07
This paper develops a finite-capacity single-vacation model, with close-down/setup times and batch Markovian arrival process (BMAP), for the statistic behavior of two Block ARQ schemes (Stop-and-Wait and Go-Back-N) at transmitter buffer. For both ARQ strategies, we obtain the queue length distribution, the average waiting time of arbitrary data frame and the server utilization ratio of the transmitter. Through numerical examples, the influences of the batch arrival process and the link frame transmission error process on system performance are investigated. It shows that an appropriate trade-off between the user's service-of-quality (e.g. average waiting time) and the system efficiency (e.g. server utilization ratio) has to be considered in the designing of implementation value for the close-down time.
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