Modeling and performance analysis of Voice Message Service in mobile communication systems

2002 China Wireless Congress (Invited paper),, 15-17th, October 2002, Hangzhou, China.
Published Date:2002-10-15
This paper presents the performance analysis of both non-preemptive and preemptive policies proposed for the access control of VMS. By applying queuing theory, the stochastic behavior of an arbitrary cell in the network is discussed for each access control policy. The system is modeled by a two-dimensional Markov chain. Two dimensions represent the number of voice calls and that of VMS calls in a cell, respectively. The stationary distribution probabilities are obtained through the method of matrix analysis. Based on the stationary distribution, call blocking and dropping probabilities of voice and VMS calls are given for both policies. In addition, the average transmission delay of VMS calls and the average queue length of VMS requests are obtained for the preemptive policy. The numerical analysis shows that both policies can increase the channel utilities while keeping the blocking and dropping probabilities of regular voice service under control. Moreover, the system with the preemptive control policy is able to support about 9 times VMS users over the system with the non-preemptive policy while its performance is more sensitive to the proportion of VMS traffic load added to the system when approaching the maximum capacity of the VMS buffer.
Voice Message Service (VMS), admission control, Markov chain, matrix analysis

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