Proc. IEEE 11th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 2002), Miami, Oct. 2002.
Published Date:2002-10-01
A key problem under imperfect power control in multimedia DS-CDMA networks is how to guarantee the differentiated outage probabilities of different traffic classes resulted by the uncertainty of received powers. In addition, in order to utilize the scarce wireless resource efficiently, as many users as possible should be admitted into the network while providing guaranteed quality-of-service support for them. In this work, a call admission control scheme, Differentiated Outage Probabilities CAC or DOP-CAC, is proposed to achieve the above goals for imperfectly power controlled multimedia CDMA networks. Two important features of CDMA system are considered in our scheme: one is the power multiplexing among bursty traffics and the other is the power allocation scheme employed at the physical layer. The validation and efficiency of DOP-CAC are verified by numerical examples.
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