Data-Driven User Complaint Prediction for Mobile Access Networks
Optimal Sleeping Mechanism for Multiple Servers With MMPP-Based Bursty Traffic Arrival
Decentralized Status Update for Age-of-Information Optimization in Wireless Multiaccess Channels
Energy-Efficient UAV Deployment with Flexible Functional Split Selection
Liumeng Wang, and Sheng Zhou, Energy-Efficient UAV Deployment with Flexible Functional Split Selection, IEEE SPAWC 2018, June 25-28, Kalamata, 2018
Computation peer offloading for energy-constrained mobile edge computing in small-cell networks
Towards service-oriented 5G: Virtualizing the networks for everything-as-a-Service
Collaborative mobile clouds: an energy efficient paradigm for content sharing
On the Time Scales of Energy Arrival and Channel Fading in Energy Harvesting Communications
Optimal Discrete Spatial Compression for Beamspace Massive MIMO Signals
Zhiyuan Jiang, Sheng Zhou, and Zhisheng Niu, Optimal Discrete Spatial Compression for Beamspace Massive MIMO Signals, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING, VOL. 66, NO. 9, MAY 1, 2018
Discrete Spatial Compression Beyond Beamspace Channel Sparsity Based on Branch-and-Bound
Zhiyuan Jiang, Sheng Zhou, and Zhisheng Niu, Discrete Spatial Compression Beyond Beamspace Channel Sparsity Based on Branch-and-Bound, IEEE ICC 2018, May 20-24, Kansas City, 2018
Flexible Functional Split in C-RAN with Renewable Energy Powered Remote Radio Units
Liumeng Wang, and Sheng Zhou, Flexible Functional Split in C-RAN with Renewable Energy Powered Remote Radio Units, IEEE ICC Workshop 2018, Kansas City, May 20-24, 2018
Learning-Based Task Offloading for Vehicular Cloud Computing Systems
Yuxuan Sun, Xueying Guo, Sheng Zhou, Zhiyuan Jiang, Xin Liu, and Zhisheng Niu, Learning-Based Task Offloading for Vehicular Cloud Computing Systems, IEEE ICC 2018, Kansas City, May 20-24, 2018
Learning-based task offloading for vehicular cloud computing systems
A 1.58 Gbps/W 0.40 Gbps/mm2 ASIC Implementation of MMSE Detection for 128 × 8 64-QAM Massive MIMO in 65 nm CMOS
Joint User Scheduling and Beam Selection Optimization for Beam-Based Massive MIMO Downlinks
Zhiyuan Jiang, Sheng Chen, Sheng Zhou, and Zhisheng Niu, Joint User Scheduling and Beam Selection Optimization for Beam-Based Massive MIMO Downlinks, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS, VOL. 17, NO. 4, APRIL 2018
Algorithm and Architecture of a Low-Complexity and High-Parallelism Preprocessing-Based K-Best Detector for Large-Scale MIMO Systems
Task Replication for Deadline-Constrained Vehicular Cloud Computing: Optimal Policy, Performance Analysis, and Implications on Road Traffic
A Block Coordinated Update Method for Beam-Based Massive MIMO Downlink Scheduling Based on Statistical CSI
How Often Should CSI be Updated for Massive MIMO Systems with Massive Connectivity?
Remote Channel Inference for Beamforming in Ultra-Dense Hyper-Cellular Network
Sheng Chen, Zhiyuan Jiang, Jingchu Liu, Rath Vannithamby, Sheng Zhou, Zhisheng Niu, Remote Channel Inference for Beamforming in Ultra-Dense Hyper-Cellular Network, IEEE GLOBECOM 2017, Dec. 4-8, Singapore, 2017