Author Archives: niulab
Queuing on Energy-Efficient Wireless Transmissions with Adaptive Modulation and Coding
Energy-Efficient Cellular Network Planning under Insufficient Cell Zooming
TSINGHUA / SUPELEC Workshop on Wireless Communications
Tsinghua Supelec Workshop 27-28 June 2011, Beijing, China Please fill the registration form and send it back to Ms. Xu Ping: Organizers: Prof. Hikmet Sari (SUPELEC), hikmet.sari (at) Prof. Zhisheng Niu (Tsinghua Univ.), niuzhs (at) SUMMARY: This workshop …
Distributed Adaptation of Quantized Feedback for Downlink Network MIMO Systems
Integrating Solar and Wind Power Generation for Electric Vehicles by Prof. Joseph Hui
Dr Joseph Hui received his BS, MS, and PhD degrees from MIT in 1981, 1981, and 1983. Since graduation, he has worked at IBM and Bellcore, as well as taught at Columbia University, Rutgers University, the Chinese University of Hong …
CALL FOR PAPERS——2012 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2012)
CALL FOR PAPERS 2012 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2012) IEEE WCNC is the premier event for wireless communications researchers, industry professionals, and academics interested in the latest development and design of wireless systems and networks. Sponsored by …
Energy Saving Performance Comparison of Coordinated Multi-Point Transmission and Wireless Relaying
A Decentralized Clustering Scheme for Dynamic Downlink Base Station Cooperation
Cell Zooming for Cost-Efficient Green Cellular Networks
The latest development of smart grid standards and pilot projects by Dr. Jinyun Zhang
Speaker's Information: Jinyun received her Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from the University of Ottawa in the area of digital signal processing, where she was also a Visiting Scholar and worked on digital image processing. Prior to this she was a …
GreenTouch®: A Five Year Quest for Sustainable Networking by Dr. Suresh Goyal from Bell Labs
Abstract: GreenTouch® is a global research consortium, formed under the initiative and leadership of Bell Labs, with the goal of inventing sustainable, ultra-energy-efficient, ICT networks. In particular it aims to demonstrate technologies in five years (at the end of 2015) …
Traffic-Aware Base Station Sleeping in Dense Cellular Networks
Jie Gong, Sheng Zhou, Zhisheng Niu, Peng Yang, Traffic-Aware Base Station Sleeping in Dense Cellular Networks, Proc. IEEE IWQoS 2010
Welcome to the course "Convex Optimization"
Welcome to the course "Convex Optimization". Our first class is Oct. 14th at 1pm at FIT 1-312. The course website is at Please check the website frequently for update.
陳孟羲(Chen, Menghsi)
交换生 电子邮件 个人简介:陳孟羲,1986年11月出生於台灣台北市,2009年畢業於國立清華大學(台灣)電機工程學系,獲學士學位。現為國立清華大學通訊工程研究所碩士生,於2010年9月至2011年1月到清華大學(北京)當交換學生且加入NIULAB學習。
Call for Papers: IEEE Communications Magazine
CFP: Special Issue on Advances in Cooperative Wireless Networking - IEEE Communications Magazine Call for Papers IEEE Communications Magazine Feature Topic on Advances in Cooperative Wireless Networking Over the last few years, fundamental research has demonstrated the great potential of …
A New Relay Based Dynamic Load Balancing Scheme in Cellular Networks
宝雅男(Bao, Yanan)
硕士 (2010.09 - 2013.07) 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328 个人简介:宝雅男,内蒙古赤峰市人。2006年毕业于内蒙古赤峰市宁城县高级中学,同年考入清华大学电子工程系。2010年保送为牛志升老师直读硕士研究生,主要研究方向是通信与广播网融合。 Master Thesis: 《基于动态组播的高能效移动视频业务服务机制》 “Dynamic Multicast based high Energy-Efficient Mobile Video Service Mechanism” 毕业去向:UC Davis
张旭(Zhang, Xu)
博士研究生 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328 个人简介:张旭,出生于北京,2003年毕业于北京八中,同年9月考入北京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院,并于2007年和2010年获得学士学位和硕士学位,2010年9月进入清华大学电子工程系通信网络研究实验室攻读博士学位。研究方向为60GHz无线局域网络,多天线系统射频链路选择机制。 PhD Thesis: 《多天线系统中高能效的无线资源分配策略》 “Energy-Efficient Wireless Resource Allocation with Multiple Antennas” 毕业去向:华为北京研究院
An Overview of the Green Radio Programme by Prof. John Thompson
【清华信息大讲堂】系列学术报告 Prof. John Thompson University of Edinburgh An Overview of the Green Radio Programme Aug 25 (Wednesday), 10:30-11:30, Room 1-415, FIT Building Abstract: This presentation will discuss energy efficiency issues in current cellular systems operation, particularly in base-station or access …