Sheng Zhou, Jie Gong, Zhenyu Zhou, Wei Chen, and Zhisheng Niu, GreenDelivery: Proactive Content Caching and Push with Energy Harvesting based Small Cells, Wireless Networks, Oct. 2016
Peter He, Lian Zhao, Sheng Zhou and Zhisheng Niu, Optimal Recursive Power Allocation for Energy harvesting System with Multiple Antennas, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Tech, vol. 64, no. 10, pp. 4525-4536, Oct. 2015
Congshi Hu, Jie Gong, Xiaolei Wang, Sheng Zhou, and Zhisheng Niu, Optimal Green Energy Utilization in MIMO Systems with Hybrid Energy Supplies, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Tech, vol. 64, no. 8, pp. 3675-3688, Aug. 2015
Shan Zhang, Jie Gong, Sheng Zhou, and Zhisheng Niu, How Many Small Cells Can Be Turned off via Vertical Offloading under a Separation Architecture?IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., vol.14, No.10, pp. 5440-5453, Oct. 2015
Xiaolei Wang, Jie Gong, Congshi Hu, Sheng Zhou and Zhisheng Niu, Optimal power allocation on discrete energy harvesting model, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, vol. 48, no. 3, pp. 1-14, Mar. 2015
Sheng Zhou, Dongheon Lee, Bingjie Leng, Xuan Zhou, Honggang Zhang, and Zhisheng Niu, On the Spatial Distribution of Base Stations and Its Relation to the Traffic Density in Cellular Networks, IEEE Access, 2015, 3:998-1010
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Zhiyuan Jiang, Andreas Molisch, Giuseppe Caire, Zhisheng Niu, Achievable Rates of FDD Massive MIMO Systems with Spatial Channel correlation, IEEE Trans. Wireless Communications, vol. 14, no. 5, pp. 2868-2882, May 2015
Sheng Zhou, Tingjun Chen, Wei Chen, Zhisheng Niu, Outage Minimization for a Fading Wireless Link with Energy Harvesting Transmitter and Receiver, IEEE J. Selected Areas Commun. vol. 33, no. 3, pp. 496-511, Mar. 2015
Zhisheng Niu, Xueying Guo, Sheng Zhou, P. R. Kumar, Characterizing Energy-Delay Tradeoff in Hyper-Cellular Networks with Base Station Sleeping Control, IEEE J. Selected Areas Commun., vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 641-650, Apr. 2015
Lu Liu, Xianghui Cao, Yu Cheng, and Zhisheng Niu, Energy Efficient Sleep Scheduling for VoIP over WLANs, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Tech., Vol. 63, No. 5, pp. 2048-2058, Jun. 2014
Peter He, Lian Zhao, Sheng Zhou, and Zhisheng Niu, Recursive Waterfilling for Wireless Links With Energy Harvesting Transmitters , IEEE Vehicular Technology, vol. 63, no. 3, pp. 1232-1241, Mar. 2014
Shan Zhang, Yiqun Wu, Sheng Zhou, and Zhisheng Niu, Traffic-Aware Network Planning and Green Operation with BS Sleeping and Cell Zooming,, IEICE Trans. Commun, Vol.E97-B, NO.11, PP. 2337-2346, November 2014