By year

Y. Xu and S. Zhou , Resource Allocation for Channel Estimation in Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface-Aided Multi-Cell Networks, Journal of Communications and Information Networks, 2024, 9(1):64-79
B. Xie, S. Chen, S. Zhou, Z. Niu, B. Galkin, I. Dusparic, Learning-assisted User Scheduling and Beamforming for mmWave Vehicular Networks, IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol., VOL. 73, NO. 8, 11262-11275,AUGUST 2024
Fei Peng, Zhiyuan Jiang, Sheng Zhou, Zhisheng Niu, and Shunqing Zhang, Sensing and Communication Co-Design for Status Update in Multiaccess Wireless Networks, IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, 22(3): 1779-1792, 2023
Tianchu Zhao, Sheng Zhou, Yuxuan Sun, and Zhisheng Niu, “A Predictive Frame Transmission Scheme for Cloud Gaming in Mobile Edge Cloudlet Systems”, IEEE Trans. Mobile Computing, 22(7):3774-3789, 2023
W. Shi, S. Zhou, Z. Niu, M. Jiang, and L. Geng, Multiuser Co-inference with Batch Processing Capable Edge Server, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., 2023, 22(1):286-300
Jinzhou Sun, Yuxuan Sun, Sheng Zhou and Zhisheng Niu, Statues Update for Accurate Remote Estimation: Centralized and Decentralized Schemes, IEICE Trans. Commun., vol. E105-B, no. 2, pp. 131-139, Feb. 2022
Y. Xu and S. Zhou, Coverage Analyses on Directional Transmissions Ultra-Dense Networks with Imperfect Beam Alignment, China Communications, 19(5):318-328, 2022
Y. Sun, Fan Zhang, Junlin Zhao, S. Zhou, Z. Niu and D. Gündüz, Coded Computation Across Shared Heterogeneous Works With Communication Delay, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing, 70: 3371-3385, 2022
Y. Sun, S. Zhou, Z. Niu and D. Gündüz, Dynamic Scheduling for Over-the-Air Federated Edge Learning With Energy Constraints, IEEE J. Sel. Areas Commun., 2022, 40(1):227-242
Lehan Wang, Jingzhou Sun, Yuxuan Sun, Sheng Zhou, and Zhisheng Niu, A UoI-Optimal Policy for Timely Status Updates with Resource Constraint, ENREOPY, 20 August 2021, 1-21, Entropy 2021, 23(8), 1084
S. Zhang, L. Wang, H. Luo, X. Ma and S. Zhou, AoI-Delay Tradeoff in Mobile Edge Caching With Freshness-Aware Content Refreshing, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., 2021, 20(8):5329-5342
Z. Jiang, Y. Liu, J. Hribar, L. A. DaSilva, S. Zhou, and Z. Niu, SMART: Situationally-Aware Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning-Based Transmissions, IEEE Trans. Cognitive Commun. Networking, 2021, 7(4):1430-1443.
Fan Zhang, Yuxuan Sun, and Sheng Zhou, Coded Computation Over Heterogeneous Workers With Random Task Arrivals, IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS, VOL.25, NO.7, JULY 2021,2338-2342
孙径舟,王乐涵,孙宇璇,周盛,牛志升, 面向6G网络的信息时效性度量及研究进展, 电信科学(ISSN:1000-0801),出版年:2021,期:6,页码:3-13
Tuo Liu, Sheng Zhou, Zhisheng Niu, Joint Optimization of Cache Allocation and Content Placement in Urban Vehicular Networks, IEEE GLOBECOM 2018, Abu Dhabi, Dec. 9-13,2018
H. Zhang, Z. Jiang, S. Xu and S. Zhou, Error Analysis for Status Update From Sensors With Temporally and Spatially Correlated Observations, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2021, 20(3): 2136-2149.
Y. Sun, S. Zhou and Z. Niu, Distributed Task Replication for Vehicular Edge Computing: Performance Analysis and Learning-Based Algorithm, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2021, 20(2):1138-1151.
W. Shi, S. Zhou, Z. Niu, M. Jiang and L. Geng, Joint Device Scheduling and Resource Allocation for Latency Constrained Wireless Federated Learning, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2021, 20(1):453-467.