Jie Gong, Sheng Zhou, Zhisheng Niu, Peng Yang, Traffic-Aware Base Station Sleeping in Dense Cellular Networks, Proc. IEEE IWQoS 2010
Zexi Yang, Zhisheng Niu, A New Relay Based Dynamic Load Balancing Scheme in Cellular Networks, Proc. IEEE VTC-Fall 2010
Jie Xu, Yiqun Wu, Zhisheng Niu, Jinri Huang, Exploiting Multiuser Diversity in OFDMA Wireless Mesh Networks by Fractional Spatial Reuse, Proc. IEEE ICC 2010
Yang Song, Chi Zhang, Yuguang Fang, Zhisheng Niu, Energy-Conserving Scheduling in Multi-hop Wireless Networks with Time-Varying Channels, Proc. of IEEE Infocom’10, San Diego, USA, Mar. 2010
Yao Hua, Qian Zhang, Zhisheng Niu, Resource Allocation in Multi-cell OFDMA-based Relay Networks, Proc. of IEEE Infocom’10, San Diego, USA, Mar. 2010
Yao Hua, Qian Zhang, Zhisheng Niu, Distributed Physical Carrier Sensing Adaptation Scheme in Cooperative MAP WLAN, Proc. of IEEE Global Telecommunication Conference (Globecom’09), Hawaii, USA, Nov.30-Dec.4, 2009
Sheng Zhou, Jie Gong, Zhisheng Niu, Yunjian Jia, Peng Yang, A Decentralized Framework for Dynamic Downlink Base Station Cooperation, Proc. of IEEE Global Telecommunication Conference (Globecom’09), Hawaii, USA, Nov.30-Dec.4, 2009
Jie XU, Sheng ZHOU, and Zhisheng NIU, Interference-Aware Relay Selection for Multiple Source-Destination Cooperative Networks, Proc of APCC 2009
Sheng Zhou, Jie Gong, Zexi Yang, Zhisheng Niu and Peng Yang, Green Mobile Access Network with Dynamic Base Station Energy Saving, Mobicom 2009 Poster
Yiqun Wu, Zhisheng Niu, Exploiting Cooperative Diversity and Spatial Reuse in Multihop Cellular Networks, Proc. of ICC 2009
Sheng Zhou, Hongda Xiao, and Zhisheng Niu, Distributed Power Control for Interference-Limited Cooperative Relay Networks, Proc. of ICC 2009
Yiqun Wu, Ying Jun (Angela) Zhang, Zhisheng Niu, Non-preemptive Constrained Link Scheduling in Wireless Mesh Networks, Proc. of GLOBECOM 2008
Fan Zhu, Zhisheng Niu, Priority Based Power Saving Mode in WLAN, Proc. of GLOBECOM 2008
Li Gu, Zhisheng Niu, Jiping Lv and Hideya Yoshiuchi, An NAK-based Hierarchical ARQ Scheme for Reliable Data Multicast in Integrated Communication and Broadcast Networks, Proc. of APCC 2008
Zhisheng Niu, Long Long, Jian Song and Changyong Pan, A New Paradigm for Mobile Multimedia Broadcasting based on Integrated Communication and Broadcast Networks, IEEE Comm. Maganize, Vol. 46, Issue 7, July, 2008
Yanfeng Zhu, Zhisheng Niu, Qian Zhang, Bo Tan, Zhi Zhou, Jing Zhu, A Multi-AP Architecture for High-Density WLANs: Protocol Design and Experimental Evaluation, Proc. of SECON 2008
Sheng Zhou, Kai Zhang, Zhisheng Niu and Yang Yang, Queuing Analysis on MIMO Systems with Adaptive Modulation and Coding, Proc. of ICC 2008
Yiqun Wu, Yanfeng Zhu, Zhisheng Niu, Jing Zhu, Capacity Planning for Voice/Data Traffic in IEEE 802.11e Based Wireless LANs, Proc. of ICC 2008
Sheng Zhou and Zhisheng Niu, An Uplink Medium Access Protocol with SDMA Support for Multiple-Antenna WLANs, Proc. of WCNC 2008
Yao Hua, Yanfeng Zhu and Zhisheng Niu, A Channel Assignment Scheme in High Density WLANs to Mitigate Pseudo Capture Effect, Proc. of Globecom 2007