A Reliable TCP-Aware Link Layer Retransmission for Wireless Networks
Jing Zhu and Zhisheng Niu, A Reliable TCP-Aware Link Layer Retransmission for Wireless Networks, Proc. ICCT 2000
A Modified TCP-NewReno in A LAN/WAN with A Lossy Link
Jing Zhu, Zhengbin Li, Zhisheng Niu, A Modified TCP-NewReno in A LAN/WAN with A Lossy Link, Proc. APCC 1999
An Improved Vectorial labelling Scheme for QoS-guaranteed routing algorithm of ATM Networks
Jin Liu, Zhisheng Niu, Junli Zheng, An Improved Vectorial labelling Scheme for QoS-guaranteed routing algorithm of ATM Networks, Proc. ICCT'98