By year

Shan Zhang, Ning Zhang, Sheng Zhou, Jie Gong, Zhisheng Niu and Xuemin Shen Energy-Sustainable Traffic Steering for 5G Mobile Networks, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 55, no. 11, pp. 54-60, Nov. 2017
陈晟、李永康、汪广超、王刘猛、姜之源、周盛、牛志升 超蜂窝网络分离方案设计与软件定义实现, 《中国科学:信息科学》基于超蜂窝架构的绿色通信专刊,vol.47, no.5, pp.529-543, May 2017
郭雪莹、冷冰洁、吴健、牛志升, 超蜂窝网络能效延时理论关系及最优基站休眠控制, 《中国科学:信息科学》,vol.47, no.6, pp.771-788, Jun. 2017.
Jingchu Liu, Sheng Zhou, Jie Gong, Zhisheng Niu and Shugong Xu, Statistical Multiplexing Gain Analysis of Heterogeneous Virtual Base Station Pools in Cloud Radio Access Networks, IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., Vol. 15, No. 8, pp. 5681-5694, Aug. 2016
Zheng Chang, Jie Gong, Tapani Ristaniemi, Zhisheng Niu, Energy-Efficient Resource Allocation and User Scheduling for Collaborative Mobile Clouds With Hybrid Receivers, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Technology, vol.65, no.11, pp. 9834 – 9846, Dec. 2016
Liao RZ, Bellalta B, Oliver M, Zhisheng Niu, MU-MIMO MAC Protocols for wireless Local Area Networks: A Survey, IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials, Vol. 18, No.1, pp. 162-183, 2016
Bingjie Leng, Bhaskar Krishnamachari, Xueying Guo, and Zhisheng Niu, Optimal Operation of a Green Server with Bursty Traffic,, IEEE Globecom, Dec. 2016
Ruichen Deng, Sheng Zhou, and Zhisheng Niu, Scalable Non-Orthogonal Pilot Design for Massive MIMO Systems with Massive Connectivity,, IEEE Globecom Workshop, Dec. 2016
Tianchu Zhao, Sheng Zhou, Xueying Guo, Yun Zhao and Zhisheng Niu, Pricing Policy and Computational Resource Provisioning for Delay-aware Mobile Edge Computing,, IEEE ICCC 2016, Chengdu, China, Jul. 27-29, 2016
Jie Gong, Sheng Zhou, Zhenyu Zhou and Zhisheng Niu, Joint Optimization of Content Caching and Push in Renewable Energy Powered Small Cells,, IEEE ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur, May. 23-27, 2016
Weisi Guo, Sheng Zhou, Y. Chen, X. Chu, S. Wang, and Zhisheng Niu, Simultaneous information and energy flow for IoT relay systems with crowd harvesting,IEEE Commun. Mag., Vol.54, No.11, pp143-149, Nov. 2016
Z. Chang, J. Gong, Y. Li, Z. Zhou, T. Ristaniemi, G. Shi, Z. Han and Z. Niu, Energy Efficient Resource Allocation for Wireless Power Transfer Enabled Collaborative Mobile Clouds,IEEE IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, vol. 34, no. 12, Dec. 2016
J. Gong, Sheng Zhou, and Z. Zhou, Networked MIMO with fractional joint transmission in energy harvesting systems,IEEE Trans. Commun., 64(8):3323-3336.2016,
Yunjian Jia, Yu Zhang, Liang Liang, Weiyang Xu, and Sheng Zhou, Impact of mobile instant messaging applications on signaling load and UE energy consumption, Wireless Networks, Oct. 2016
Xueying Guo, Rahul Singh, Tianchu Zhao and Zhisheng Niu, An Index Based Task Assignment Policy for Achieving Optimal Power-Delay Tradeoff in Edge Cloud Systems,, IEEE ICC 2016, Kuala Lumpur, May. 23-27, 2016
Xi Zheng, Sheng Zhou and Zhisheng Niu, On the Online Minimization of Completion Time in an Energy Harvesting System,, WiOpt 2016, Phoenix, May 9-13, 2016
Xueying Guo, Zhisheng Niu, Sheng Zhou, and P. R. Kumar, Delay-Constraint Energy-Optimal Base Station Sleeping Control,IEEE J. Selected Areas Commun., Vol.34, No.5, pp1073-1085, May 2016
Shan Zhang, Ning Zhang, Sheng Zhou, Jie Gong, Zhisheng Niu, and Sherman Shen, Energy-Aware Traffic Offloading for Green Heterogeneous Networks, IEEE J. Selected Areas Commun., Vol.34, No.5, pp1116-1129, May 2016
Sheng Zhou, Tao Zhao, Zhisheng Niu, and Shidong Zhou, Software-defined hyper-cellular architecture for green and elastic wireless access,IEEE Commun. Mag., Vol.54, No.1, pp12-19, Jan. 2016
Jian Wu, Yanan Bao, Guowang Miao, Sheng Zhou, and Zhisheng Niu, Base Station Sleeping Control and Power Matching for Energy-Delay Tradeoffs with Bursty Traffic, IEEE Trans. Vehicular Tech., Vol.65, No.5, pp3657-3675, May 2016