Author Archives: niulab
姜之源(Jiang, Zhiyuan)
Postdoc Email:jiangzhiyuan89 AT gmail DOT com Phone:(010)62794328 Please refer to my homepage.
来自特约记者 曹东旭 的报道 2009-02-21 2009年2月21日,在牛老师的号召下,NiuLab网络融合研究室自成立以来的第一届毕业生及在校生联欢会在北京的九华山庄举行了。NiuLab实验室建立于94年,距现在已经有15年的历史。在这15年间,实验室培养了大批优秀的毕业生,现都在各自的行业里发挥着中流砥柱的作用。师兄师姐们的参会热情很高,在北京的都来了,很多都是推掉不少事专程赶过来的。在联欢会上,师兄师姐们回忆着研究生时的酸甜苦辣,气氛很是温馨;同时也描述了毕业之后的人生经历,分享成功的经验和感想,我们从中受益匪浅。晚上的文娱活动也很是精彩,有温泉、桌球、保龄球、街机等等。第二天上午,实验室的在校成员与合作方日立公司的相关人员就多个前沿课题进行了深入的交流和探讨,明确了今后的发展方向,同时也预示着我们实验室将在清华开创性地与企业继续第三期的合作。
程文新(Thian, Boon Sim)
Thian Boon Sim Stanford University Jun.2010 - Sep.2010 Practial wireless communication systems
Exploiting Multiuser Diversity in OFDMA Wireless Mesh Networks by Fractional Spatial Reuse
Jie Xu, Yiqun Wu, Zhisheng Niu, Jinri Huang, Exploiting Multiuser Diversity in OFDMA Wireless Mesh Networks by Fractional Spatial Reuse, Proc. IEEE ICC 2010
Energy-Conserving Scheduling in Multi-hop Wireless Networks with Time-Varying Channels
Resource Allocation in Multi-cell OFDMA-based Relay Networks
Queueing Delay and Energy Efficiency Analyses of Sleep Based Power Saving Mechanism
Distributed medium access control with SDMA support for WLANs
Flow Oriented Channel Assignment for Multi-RadioWirelessMesh Networks
Anna Ferrer Bosch
Polytechnic university of catalonia Feb. 2010 - Jun.2010 Energy Saving in Relay Wireless Networks
李东宪(Lee, Dong Heon)
PhD. Student 个人简介: Korea, Jan. 2010 - Jul. 2013 Energy Saving and Load Balancing
Distributed Physical Carrier Sensing Adaptation Scheme in Cooperative MAP WLAN
A Decentralized Framework for Dynamic Downlink Base Station Cooperation
Sheng Zhou, Jie Gong, Zhisheng Niu, Yunjian Jia, Peng Yang, A Decentralized Framework for Dynamic Downlink Base Station Cooperation, Proc. of IEEE Global Telecommunication Conference (Globecom’09), Hawaii, USA, Nov.30-Dec.4, 2009
A Modified p-Persistent Model for CSMA-Based Wireless Networks with Pseudo Capture Effect
Yao HUA, Zhisheng NIU, A Modified p-Persistent Model for CSMA-Based Wireless Networks with Pseudo Capture Effect, IEICE TRANS. COMMUN.
Interference-Aware Relay Selection for Multiple Source-Destination Cooperative Networks
Leveraging Multi-AP Diversity for Transmission Resilience in Wireless Networks: Architecture and Performance Analysis
Yanfeng Zhu, Qian Zhang, Zhisheng Niu and Jing Zhu, Leveraging Multi-AP Diversity for Transmission Resilience in Wireless Networks: Architecture and Performance Analysis, IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, Vol. 8, No. 10, Oct. 2009
A Graph Theory Based Opportunistic Link Scheduling for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks
Green Mobile Access Network with Dynamic Base Station Energy Saving
Sheng Zhou, Jie Gong, Zexi Yang, Zhisheng Niu and Peng Yang, Green Mobile Access Network with Dynamic Base Station Energy Saving, Mobicom 2009 Poster
翁香南(Weng, Xiangnan)
硕士 (2009.9-2011.7) 电子邮件 工作电话:(010)62794328 个人简介:翁香南,1987年6月出生于广东省广州市,2005年毕业于广东省华南师大附中,同年考入清华大学电子工程系。2009年保送为牛志升老师直读硕士研究生,主要研究方向是蜂窝网络规划。 Master Thesis: 《面向能量节省的蜂窝网网络规划》 (Xiangnan Weng, “Energy-Efficient Cellular Network Planning” ) 毕业去向:美国马里兰大学(Univ.of Maryland)